Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dinning Out and Doing It Right

Stop feeling guilty when your favorite restaurant starts calling your name...if you are like most Americans, studies have shown that we are going to eat out at least 200 times a year on average. If you travel for work you will dine out more than that.

Large portions are the norm at many restaurants — but diabetes nutrition is often based on moderate portions. If the restaurant offers meals in several sizes, choose the smallest. Or get creative. Sometimes you can order a lunch-sized entree for dinner or a child-sized meal. You can also share meals with a dining partner or request a take-home container. You might even ask the server to put half the meal in a take-home container before it's served to you.

You can use the website; that does the thinking for you. Register for free and the service will give you suggestions regarding the calories needed for each day to reach your goals. Search the database with over 10,000 national, regional and local franchise restaurant meals. When you find one of your favorite meals, select it and the website will adjust the quantity of the meal to fit your caloric needs.

Good luck!

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